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Table 3 Gametocyte prevalence on days 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 after treatment in patients with adequate parasitological response

From: Randomized clinical trial of artemisinin versus non-artemisinin combination therapy for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Madagascar


Gametocyte prevalence, %, (n/N)


After treatment


At enrolment

Day 7

Day 14

Day 21

Day 28


4.7 (2/42)

12.5 (3/24)*

4.2 (1/24)*

6.6 (1/15)

0 (0/15)


12.8 (5/39)

13.1 (5/38)*

10.5 (4/38)*

9.6 (3/31)

0 (0/30)


10.2 (4/39)

44.4 (16/36)

33.3 (12/36)

17.1 (6/35)

6.1 (2/33)


2.4 (2/83)

3.8 (3/80)*

6.3 (5/80)*

1.3 (1/75)

1.3 (1/75)


3.6 (3/83)

2.5 (2/80)*

1.2 (1/79)*

1.5 (1/64)

0 (0/64)

  1. CQ, Chloroquine, AQ, amodiaquine; SP, Sulphadoxine-Pyrimethamine; AS, artesunate; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.
  2. * On day 7 and day 14, significant difference to SP group (P < 0.05)
  3. ¶On day 21, significant difference to SP group (P < 0.05)