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Table 2 Summary statistics regarding test results and hospital treatments for a cohort of adult patients presenting with sepsis to a regional referral hospital in south-western Uganda (n = 216)

From: Malaria is an uncommon cause of adult sepsis in south-western Uganda


Summary statistic

Test results, n (% positive)


Anaemia (haemoglobin <9 mg/dl)

93 (43)

Leukocytosis (WBC >12,000/μL)

24 (11)

Thrombocytopenia (platelets < 150/μL)

118 (55)

Lactic Acidosis (lactate >4 mmol/L)

89 (42)

Positive Blood Culture, n (%)

41 (19)

Staphylococcus aureus

27 (66)

Salmonella spp.

8 (20)

Streptococcus spp.

3 (7)

Other/unidentified organism

3 (7)

HIV seropositive with positive blood cultures, n (%)

19 (9)

Staphylococcus aureus

17 (89)

Salmonella spp.

1 (5)

Other/unidentified organism

1 (5)

HIV seronegative or serostatus unknown with positive blood cultures, n (%)

22 (10)

Staphylococcus aureus

10 (45)

Salmonella spp.

7 (32)

Streptococcus spp.

3 (14)

Other/unidentified organism

2 (9)

HIV seropositive, n (%)

122 (56)

CD4 count <100 cells/μL

75 (66)

ART prior to admission

44 (36)

Cotrimoxazole prior to admission

80 (66)

Malaria test n (% positive)

9 (4)

Positive malaria smear

2 (1)

Positive malaria rapid diagnostic test

6 (3)

Positive malaria PCR

8 (4)

Positive acid-fast bacteria sputum stain, n (%)

24 (11)

Hospital treatments received, n (%)



33 (15)


45 (21)


187 (87)

Anti-tuberculosis medicines

16 (7)