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Table 4 Summary of barriers to intermittent preventive therapy in pregnancy uptake identified in study

From: Perceptions of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) and barriers to adherence in Nasarawa and Cross River States in Nigeria

Behavioural and environmental barriers to IPTp uptake

Individual and family



Knowledge and beliefs of cause and symptoms of malaria




Knowledge and beliefs of risks of MiP




Understanding of IPT




Husband’s/community’s support for accessing routine ANC




Husband’s/community’s support for accessing MiP care




Costs of seeking care




Waiting time




Provider attitudes




Provider knowledge of MiP




Provider training in MiP and focused ANC




Provider knowledge of IPTp protocols




Availability of SP on-site




  1. (*) indicates that barrier exists that has minimal influence to lower IPTp uptake.
  2. (**) indicate barrier has important influence on IPTp uptake.
  3. (***) indicate serious barrier to IPTp uptake that urgently needs to be addressed.