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Archived Comments for: Disrupting rhythms in Plasmodium chabaudi: costs accrue quickly and independently of how infections are initiated

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  1. Note regarding error in data analysis

    Sarah Reece, University of Edinburgh

    26 May 2014

    Some of the data in the paper were inadvertently mislabelled. Specifically, for infections initiated with trophozoite stage parasites, the schedule “matched” treatment group was incorrectly analysed as “mismatched” and vice-versa.


    This changes our interpretation of the effects of perturbing the schedules of parasites relative to the host circadian rhythm. However, the differences between initiating infections with ring stages versus trophozoite stages, and via intraperitoneal injection or intravenous injection are not affected.


    Preliminary re-analysis of the data suggests that the effects of mismatch are more complicated than the results presented in Figure 3. In the corrected dataset, infections initiated with the different parasite stages appear to be affected by mismatch in different ways.


    We are currently undertaking re-analysis of the whole dataset, redrawing the figures, and re-writing the results and discussion. Links to these revisions will be provided as soon as possible. Apologies for any confusion caused.


    Aidan O’Donnell, Nicole Mideo, Sarah Reece

    Competing interests

