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Table 3 Community health worker assessment

From: Barriers to community case management of malaria in Saraya, Senegal: training, and supply-chains

Field visits. n = 19

n (%)

Villages where RDTs were expired or unavailable on day of visit


14 (74%)

Villages where ACT was expired or unavailable on day of visit


13 (68%)

CHW workers who maintained an accurate register


16 (84%)

CHW that maintained a supply stock management sheet


9 (48%)

Villages where RDTs were provided free of charge


19 (100%)

Villages where pricing of ACT was correct


19 (100%)

Villages where CHWs organized educational activities on malaria


11 (58%)

Knowledge assessment and questionnaire. n = 26

Knows that malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes


20 (76%)

Correctly identifies signs and symptoms of uncomplicated malaria


18 (68%)

Correctly identifies signs and symptoms of complicated malaria


19 (72%)

Knows correct ACT dosing


16 (60%)

Correctly interprets RDT and referral algorithm


13 (50%)

Correctly identifies most vulnerable groups


1 (4%)


Pregnant women

18 (68%)


Less than 2 months of age

20 (76%)

Correctly identifies prevention measures

Early treatment

3 (12%)


Intermittent Preventive Treatment - SP

11 (44%)


Sanitary environment

11 (44%)


Insecticide-treated nets

19 (72%)

  1. Legend: SP: sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine.