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Table 5 Strategies for modelling survival data obtained from many dissimilar sources

From: Geographical variation in Plasmodium vivax relapse

Statistical method

Accounts for individual-level variation

Accounts for between-study variation

R packages

Fixed-effects meta-analysis

No; operates on summary statistics


Many software packages, e.g., meta and metafor

Mixed-effects meta-analysis

No; operates on summary statistics


Many packages, e.g., meta and metafor; also general-purpose software such as lme4 may be used

Survival analysis for pooled data



A number of packages, e.g., survival, eha and flexsurv

Survival analysis with mixed effects



Most notably R/coxme; flexible software seems to be hard to find

  1. Data were analysed using mixed-effects meta-analysis, which is common for this type of study. All of the methods have strengths and weaknesses.