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Table 7 Analysis of lessons learned from Sabah MCP experience with partnerships with commercial plantations

From: Eliminating malaria in Malaysia: the role of partnerships between the public and commercial sectors in Sabah


Use surveillance data to identify plantations with local or imported cases, or those located in high risk areas


Engage plantation staff on-site, or if new relationship, State MCP office engages high level plantation management, on-site or at headquarter offices


Negotiate division of responsibilities and resources with plantation management, preferably with top management to ensure high level commitment; ensure that objectives, expectations and perspectives of both groups are clearly elucidated


Engage plantation staff at all levels (e.g. headquarters, on-site management, subcontractors, workers to educate all staff on the importance of supporting the MCP)


Commit to ongoing and consistent communication between district MCP staff and on-site management and/or clinicians, either daily or weekly depending on need


Large plantations with ongoing cases in risk areas benefit from on-site rural malaria offices


Evaluate areas for improvement on a consistent basis, with frequent MCP staff meetings to assess challenges and identify areas for improvement; consider annual meetings with high level plantation management to assess collaborations, discuss challenges and re-evaluate division of labor and resources based on changes in epidemiology


Formally celebrate plantations that are effectively participating in collaborations, e.g. provide a certificate of recognition