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Table 1 Description of coverage indicators used in evaluation of long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) distribution campaign in Sofala Province, Mozambique

From: Evaluation of a universal coverage bed net distribution campaign in four districts in Sofala Province, Mozambique


Unit of analysis


Ownership (campaign LLINs only)


 Proportion of households with at least one LLINa


Proportion of households receiving at least one campaign LLIN.

Access (campaign LLINs only)


 Proportion of households with sufficient LLINs


Proportion of households receiving at least 1 campaign LLIN per sleeping space

 Proportion of households with at least 1 LLIN for every 2 peoplea


Proportion of households receiving at least 1 campaign LLIN per 2 people.

 Proportion of sleeping spaces covered by LLIN

Sleeping space

Proportion of sleeping spaces with a campaign LLIN designated for the sleeping space

 Proportion of population with access to LLIN within their household (actual)


Proportion of individuals sleeping in spaces with a campaign LLIN designated for the sleeping space

 Proportion of population with access to an ITN within their household (estimated)a


Estimated proportion of individuals covered by campaign LLIN, where each LLIN is estimated to cover 2 individuals.

Usage (all bed nets)


 Proportion of sleeping spaces with a hung bed net

Sleeping space

Proportion of sleeping spaces for which a bed net was found hanging from the ceiling during household visit

 Proportion of bed nets used ≥4 times a week during wet season

Sleeping space

Proportion of sleeping spaces for which a bed net was reported to be used ≥4 times a week during wet season

 Proportion of bed nets used ≥4 times a week during dry season

Sleeping space

Proportion of sleeping spaces for which a bed net was reported to be used ≥4 times a week during dry season

 Proportion of individuals sleeping under a bed net last nighta


Proportion of individuals reporting having slept under a bed net during previous night.

  1. aBased on Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group indicator.