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Archived Comments for: Egg hatching, larval movement and larval survival of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae in desiccating habitats

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  1. Algebraic mistake?

    Martin Donnelly, LSTM

    23 September 2003

    I read with interest the recent article on larval survival and mobility in Anopheles gambiae (Koenraadt et al. 2003). However, there is an error in equation 2 which results in a value of Sin>1. I presume that this is merely a typographical error but it is important to clarify this point since this equation is the basis of your subsequent estimate of the expected proportion of larvae in the breeding site.

    Competing interests


  2. Reply to 'Algebraic mistake'

    Constantianus (Sander) Koenraadt, Laboratory of Entomology, Wageningen University

    3 October 2003

    A previous comment on our research article considered the possibility of a typographical error in equation 2 on page 3. After carefully rechecking this, this indeed seemed to be the case. However, it does not have consequences for subsequent calculations, since these were made using the correct equation. Hence, also the conclusions remain the same.

    The correct equation (Equation (2) on page 3) should be:

    α = invsin (r / (r + d + 0.25))

    Sander Koenraadt

    Competing interests

