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Table 2 Adjusted odds ratio (OR) of the probability of gametocyte prevalence, using a multivariate random effect logistic model for untreated and SP-treated children separately.

From: Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte carriage in asymptomatic children in western Kenya

Risk factors for gametocytaemia

Adjusted OR (95% CI)


No treatment

Treatment with SP

Day of follow-up

Day 7

1.48 (0.62 – 3.56)¥

1.77 (0.93–3.34)¥


Day 14

1 (ref)

1 (ref)


<5 years

6.34 (1.15–34.90)

5.38 (1.91–15.17)


5–9 years

3.07 (0.98–9.55)¥

3.22 (1.19–8.72)


10–16 years

1 (ref)

1 (ref)

Asexual parasite density at enrolment

Per 100 parasites/μl

1.05 (1.00–1.11)

1.01 (1.00–1.01)

Gametocyte prevalence at enrolment


3.35 (1.22–9.18)

4.12 (2.11–8.02)



1 (ref)

1 (ref)

SP treatment outcome

R2/3 resistance


3.40 (1.61–7.19)


Rl resistance


1.06 (0.45–2.47)¥


Adequate response


1 (ref)

  1. Adjusted = adjusted for all other variables in the model, OR = odds ratio, CI = confidence interval, ref = reference group, ¥ = not statistically significant, - = not applicable. A GEE model was used to allow for correlation between observations from the same individuals. Children reporting the use of antimalarial drugs prior to enrolment were excluded from these analyses.