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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients at study-enrolment, per treatment arm, Malakal, Upper Nile, Sudan 2003–4.

From: Efficacy of two artemisinin combination therapies for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children under 5 years, Malakal, Upper Nile, Sudan


AS + AQ (n = 134)

AS + SP (n = 135)

Sex ratio (F/M)



Mean age (months) (SD, ranges)

33 (13, 7–59)

33 (15, 6–59)

Mean weight (kg) (SD, ranges)

11.1 (2.4, 5.7–17.0)

11.3 (2.6, 5.4–18.0)

Mean axillary temperature (°C) (SD, ranges)

38.7 (0.9, 37.5–40.9)

38.9 (0.9, 37.5–40.9)

Mean haemoglobin value (g/dl) (SD, ranges)

7.8 (1.7, 5.0–12.2)

7.9 (1.8, 5.0–12.7)

Parasitaemia geometric mean (/μl) (ranges)

20 952 (2 100–199 500)

24835 (2 000–198 000)