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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of the study population having completed Day 7 follow-up (n = 93)

From: Auditory assessment of patients with acute uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria treated with three-day mefloquine-artesunate on the north-western border of Thailand

Patients' characteristics

All patients

Male (n = 74)


Age (in years)a

26.6 (8.8) [13–53], 13.7 – 41.2

Weight (in kg)a

50.7 (7.1) [30.0–70.0], 39.7 – 63.0

Tympanic temperature (in °C)a

37.2 (1.1) [34.9–40.1], 35.8 – 39.0

Mixed infection, PF+PV (n = 16)


Geometric mean parasite count per μl [range]

7386 [79–190546]

Total artesunate dose (in mg)b

600 [300–825]

Previous artesunate treatment (n = 26)


Time of last artesunate treatment (in month)b

4 [1 – 8]

Tympanometry characteristics


Middle ear pressure, left ear (in daP)b

-15 [-145 – +25]

Middle ear pressure, right ear (in daP)b

-15 [-140 – +95]

Static compliance, left ear (in ml)b

0.48 [0.16–3.08]

Static compliance, right ear (in ml)b

0.46 [0.15–2.52]

Tympanometric gradient, left ear (dimensionless)a

0.49 (0.15) [0.19–0.83], 0.22 – 0.77

Tympanometric gradient, right ear (dimensionless)a

0.46 (0.15) [0.09–0.81], 0.23 – 0.74

  1. a Mean value, with (SD), [range], 5th and 95th percentiles without brackets
  2. b Median, [range]