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Figure 2 | Malaria Journal

Figure 2

From: The role of simple mathematical models in malaria elimination strategy design

Figure 2

Graphs showing the percentage impact of specific strategies on cumulative clinical cases (top row) and cumulative drug pressure (bottom row). In graphs A and E, the pre-intervention parasite prevalence was varied for all the strategies used to produce Figure 1, the colour scheme being the same. In the remaining graphs (B-D and F-H) four transmission settings were considered given pre-intervention parasite prevalences of: 65% (light blue); 70% (dark red); 75% (light green); 80% (purple). In graphs B and F the percentage effect on the force of infection of vector control was varied and modelled in combination with mass-vaccination and MSAT at the levels used to produce the green line in Figure 1. In graphs C and G, the level of coverage of annual vaccination was varied for a vaccine with duration of 1 (solid lines) and 10 (dashed lines) years and modelled in combination with vector control and MSAT at the levels used to produce the green line in Figure 1. In graphs D and H, the number of years since the beginning of the elimination strategy (see figure 1) until a reversion to the original control strategy is varied.

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