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Table 1 Percentage of attempts at telephone call success within 7 days of anti-malaria intake

From: Feasibility and cost of using mobile phones for capturing drug safety information in peri-urban settlement in Ghana: a prospective cohort study of patients with uncomplicated malaria

Days of follow-up

Phone n (%)

Home visit n (%)

Total n (%)


2532 (94.8)

1258 (86.6)

3790 (91.9)


139 (5.2)

195 (13.4)

334 (8.1)


2671 (100.0)

1453 (100.0)

4124 (100.0)

  1. One attempt at telephone call—82 %, two attempts at telephone call—14 %, three attempts at telephone call—3 %, and more than three attempts at telephone call—1 %