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Table 2 Features of the housing structures included in the study that may affect mosquito access or insecticide effectiveness

From: Acceptability and effectiveness of a monofilament, polyethylene insecticide-treated wall lining for malaria control after six months in dwellings in Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa


Huts (n = 20)

Houses (n = 20)

Roof material

100 % thatch roofs

90 % (18/20) corrugated iron and 10 % (2/20) tiled

Eave gaps

95 % (19/20) with opening larger than 2 cm

15 % (3/20) with opening larger than 2 cm


0 % with ceiling

15 % (3/20) with ceiling of standard ceiling board


55 % (11/20) with windows, all with glass, one could not open

100 % with windows, all with glass, all could open

Inner wall coverage

60 % (12/20) daub smeared (mud and cement), 25 % (5/20) lime white-washed, 10 % (2/20) plastered and one painted

40 % (8/20) painted and 60 % (12/20) plastered only