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Table 2 Total numbers of adult female anopheline mosquitoes collected in all sites during the study in 2004‒2005, using pyrethrum knockdown catches (PKD) (from one room in each sampled house) and light traps (in human and animal shelters)

From: Entomological aspects and the role of human behaviour in malaria transmission in a highland region of the Republic of Yemen

Anopheles species

PKD (%)

Light traps (%)

Total (%)

An. arabiensis

1879 (96.4)

1082 (74.3)

2961 (86.9)

An. sergentii

45 (2.3)

261 (17.9)

306 (9.0)

An. azaniae (typical)

9 (0.5)

45 (3.1)

54 (1.6)

An. azaniae (atypical)


2 (0.1)

2 (0.1)

An. dthali

13 (0.7)

22 (1.5)

35 (1.0)

An. pretoriensis


30 (2.1)

30 (0.9)

An. coustani

2 (0.1)

14 (1.0)

16 (0.5)

An. algeriensis a

2 (0.1)

1 (0.1)

3 (0.1)





  1. A total of 736 PKDs in 159 houses and 330 light-trap collections in 109 households were carried out
  2. a The first record of An. algeriensis in Yemen