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Table 1 Inclusion criteria, sample size, and main outcome by evaluation type

From: Community-based intermittent mass testing and treatment for malaria in an area of high transmission intensity, western Kenya: study design and methodology for a cluster randomized controlled trial

Evaluation type

Inclusion criteria

Sample size

Main outcome

Cross-sectional studies

≥1 month of age

857 per arm

Community malaria prevalence

Longitudinal cohort study

≥1 year of age, not pregnant at time of recruitment

330 per arm

Incidence of malaria infection

Passive surveillance

Living within the core area of a cluster


Incidence of clinical malaria

Entomological surveillance

Household in either a control or intervention cluster

120 control and 60 intervention households per month

Monthly P. falciparum oocyst and sporozoite rates, Anopheles parity rate