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Table 1 Summary of DRC individual samples and population cluster samples PCR and amplicon deep sequencing results

From: A deep sequencing approach to estimate Plasmodium falciparum complexity of infection (COI) and explore apical membrane antigen 1 diversity

Sample type

Number of samples

No. of pfldh qPCR positive samples (%)a

No. of pfama1 PCR positive samples (%)

No. of samples with analysable deep sequence reads (%)b



99 (86.1)

81 (70.4)

79 (68.7)

Population cluster



79 (94.0)

73 (86.9)

  1. aConcentrations of pfldh based on qPCR standard curve analysis ranged from less than 0.1 ng/ml to over 1000 ng/ml for individual samples
  2. bThe number of samples with analysable deep sequence reads was determined using the SeekDeep targeted amplicon analysis pipeline criteria and a 2.5% minimum haplotype frequency cutoff requirement for inclusion in analysis. The SeekDeep analysis pipeline excludes reads based on missing barcodes, short reads (< 50 bp), and poor quality/chimeric reads