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Table 1 Clinical characteristics

From: Both inflammatory and regulatory cytokine responses to malaria are blunted with increasing age in highly exposed children


1–3 year olds

(n = 25)

7–9 year olds

(n = 23)

P value

Wilcoxon rank

Malaria incidence in the preceding 365 days, median episodes ppy (IQR)

7 (5–8.29)

6 (4–6)


Malaria incidence in the following 365 days, median episodes ppy (IQR)

5.82 (3.35–7)

1.44 (0–4)


Parasite density at day 0, median parasites/μl (IQR)

39,720 (24,960-66,800)

17,880 (11,080-28,960)


Haemoglobin at day 0, median g/dl (IQR)

10.8 (10.2–11.5)

11.3 (10.4–12.1)


  1. IQR interquartile range, ppy per person year