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Table 3 The parameters for SEIRS malaria model.

From: Stochastic lattice-based modelling of malaria dynamics




\(\Lambda _h\)

Immigration rate of humans

H \(\times\) T\(^{-1}\)

\(\psi _h\)

Per capita birth rate of humans


\(\psi _v\)

Per capita birth rate of mosquitoes


\(\sigma _v\)

Number of times one mosquito would want to bite humans per unit time, if humans were freely available. This is a function of the mosquito’s gonotrophic cycle (the amount of time a mosquito requires to produce eggs) and its anthropophilic rate (its preference for human blood)


\(\sigma _h\)

The maximum number of mosquito bites a human can have per unit time. This is a function of the human’s exposed surface area


\(\beta _{hv}\)

Probability of transmission of infection from an infectious mosquito to a susceptible human, given that a contact between the two occurs


\(\beta _{vh}\)

Probability of transmission of infection from an infectious human to a susceptible mosquito, given that a contact between the two occurs


\(\tilde{\beta }_{hv}\)

Probability of transmission of infection from a recovered (asymptomatic carrier) human to a susceptible mosquito, given that a contact between the two occurs


\(\nu _h\)

Per capita rate of progression of humans from the exposed state to the infectious state. \(1/\nu _h\) is the average duration of the latent period


\(\nu _v\)

Per capita rate of progression of mosquitoes from the exposed state to the infectious state. \(1/\nu _v\) is the average duration of the latent period


\(\gamma _h\)

Per capita recovery rate for humans from the infectious state to the recovered state. \(1/\gamma _h\) is the average duration of the infectious period


\(\delta _h\)

Per capita disease-induced death rate for humans


\(\rho _h\)

Per capita rate of loss of acquired temporary immunity for humans. \(1/\rho _h\) is the average duration of the immune period


\(\mu _{1h}\)

Density-independent part of the death (and emigration) rate for humans


\(\mu _{2h}\)

Density-dependent part of the death (and emigration) rate for humans

H \(\times\) T\(^{-1}\)

\(\mu _{1h}\)

Density-independent part of the death (and emigration) rate for mosquitoes


\(\mu _{2h}\)

Density-dependent part of the death (and emigration) rate for mosquitoes

M \(\times\) T\(^{-1}\)

  1. aIn the Unit, H represents humans, M represents mosquitoes, and T represents time