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Table 2 Cycling conditions for amplification of the PCR primary and secondary round

From: Evaluation of loop-mediated isothermal amplification as a surveillance tool for malaria in reactive case detection moving towards elimination

PCR conditions

Primary round PCR programme: 3 h

Nested round PCR programme: 3 h

1. Initial denaturation—94 °C × 5 m

1. Initial denaturation—94 °C × 5 m

2. 40 Cycles—94 °C × 30 s, 52.5 °C × 90 s, 68 °C × 90 s

2. 40 Cycles—94 °C × 30 s, 60 °C × 90 s, 72 °C × 90 s

3. Final elongation—68 °C × 10 m

3. Final elongation—72 °C × 10 m

4. Hold at 4 °C

4. Hold at 4 °C