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Table 3 Distributions of net care adherence and attitudes and environmental factors

From: Bed net care practices and associated factors in western Kenya





Median (range) or # (%)

Median (range) or # (%)

Overall net care adherence scoreF

2 (0–8)

4 (0–9)

< 0.001*

Overall net condition


< 0.001*G


522 (59.9)

594 (67.2)



227 (26.1)

162 (18.3)



98 (11.3)

85 (9.6)



18 (2.1)

23 (2.6)


Knowledge and attitudes

 What kinds of things should you do to take care of your bed net?C

  Tie up in the morning

177 (27.6)

94 (16.4)

< 0.001*

  Don’t wash or wash rarely

25 (3.9)

44 (7.7)


  Don’t use detergent

135 (21.1)

37 (6.5)

< 0.001*

  Don’t beat on the rocks

149 (23.2)

48 (8.4)

< 0.001*

  Don’t hang in the sun

382 (59.6)

281 (49.0)

< 0.001*

  Re-treat with insecticide

213 (33.2)

271 (47.2)

< 0.001*

  Tie up all holes

166 (25.9)

418 (72.8)

< 0.001*

 Perception of malaria riskC (2 = low, 10 = high)

6 (2, 10)

7.5 (2, 10)

< 0.001*B

 Confidence in ability to prevent malariaC (likert scale)

2 (1, 5)

3 (1, 5)


Environmental factors

 Household family structure: net user (years)D

  Child < 5

219 (25.0)

232 (26.2)


  Child 6–18

332 (38.0)

312 (35.3)


  Adult male 19–50

169 (19.3)

218 (24.7)


  Adult female 19–50

332 (38.0)

337 (38.1)


  Adult male > 50

61 (7.0)

58 (6.6)


  Adult female > 50

113 (12.9)

101 (11.4)


 Ability to pay for a netC

441 (68.8)

494 (87.1)

< 0.001*

 Source of net care knowledgeC


328 (37.5)

372 (42.1)


  Community event

176 (20.1)

340 (38.5)

< 0.001*

  Net distribution

179 (20.5)

3 (0.34)

< 0.001*

 Universal Access (1 net:2 members)

239 (37.2)

414 (72.1)

< 0.001*

 Amount of shade in house compoundC,G


< 0.001*

  No shade

60 (9.3)

106 (18.5)


  Little shade

321 (49.9)

255 (44.4)


  Half shaded

229 (35.6)

159 (27.7)


  Very shaded

27 (4.2)

38 (6.6)


 Sleeping structure has Earth floorE


< 0.001*

  Earth floors

916 (73.5)

893 (87.0)


  No earth floors

331 (26.5)

134 (13.0)


 Animals present in sleeping structure at nightE



  Animals present

164 (13.2)

179 (17.4)


  No animals present

1083 (86.8)

848 (82.6)

  1. ATwo sample test of proportions
  2. BNonparametric equality of medians test
  3. CHousehold level data (highlands n = 641, lowlands n = 574)
  4. DBed net level data (highlands n = 874, lowlands n = 884)
  5. ESleeping structure level data (highlands n = 1247, lowlands n = 1027), *statistically significant at alpha 0.05
  6. FLower scores indicate better net care and repair adherence practices
  7. GPearson Chi square test