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Table 1 Demographics and clinical features of uncomplicated and severe malaria patients in Gublak, North West, Ethiopia

From: Genetic diversity of Plasmodium falciparum isolates from patients with uncomplicated and severe malaria based on msp-1 and msp-2 genes in Gublak, North West Ethiopia


Uncomplicated malaria (n = 95)

Severe malaria (n = 23)

Age, years (mean ± SD)

16.1 ± 9.5

17.0 ± 10.9

Sex ratio (male/female)

0.86 (44/51)

1.6 (14/9)

Axillary temperature, °C (mean ± SD), °C

37.6 ± 0.36

38.2 ± 0.83

Geometric mean parasitaemia, /µL



Hyperparasitaemia, > 100,000 parasites/µL (n (%))

0 (0.0%)

19 (82.6%)

Convulsions (n (%))

0 (0.0%)

3 (13.0%)

Clinical jaundice (n (%))

0 (0.0%)

3 (13.0%)

Baseline haemoglobin, g/dL (mean ± SD)

11.8 (± 1.8)

8.6 (± 1.7)

Severe anaemia, < 5 g/dL (n (%))

0 (0.0%)

2 (8.7%)

  1. SD standard deviation; µL = microlitre