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Table 1 Reference laboratory and health centre-stored DTS reactivity on reference laboratory and health centre-stored RDTs for Benin and Liberia

From: Stability testing of dried Plasmodium falciparum positive quality control samples for malaria rapid diagnostic tests in Liberia and Benin

  1. Results of RL DTS on RL RDTs are repeated in the top 2 panels of each table for ease of comparison with RL DTS on health centre RDTs
  2. #Invalid tests repeated; inv invalid test not repeated (yellow highlight); * faint test line; Faint control line; grey highlight below each panel denotes time points during which incomplete rehydration was observed; red highlight denotes false negative DTS results. Ay Ayelawadje health centre; St. M St. Michel health centre; SoS Star of the Sea health centre; SLP Slipway Community Clinic