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Table 3 Health workers’ exposure to the programmatic support interventions in Kano state, by cadre

From: Health systems readiness and quality of inpatient malaria case-management in Kano State, Nigeria

Support interventions


(N = 55)


(N = 99)

All HWs

(N = 154)

n (%)

n (%)

n (%)


 Trained on any malaria case-management

21 (43.8)

30 (31.6)

51 (35.7)

 Trained on severe malaria case-management

19 (39.6)

29 (30.5)

48 (33.6)

 Trained on artesunate use

21 (43.8)

27 (28.4)

48 (33.6)

 Trained on severe malaria case-management and artesunate use

19 (39.6)

27 (28.4)

46 (32.2)


 Has national malaria case-management guideline

18 (35.3)

13 (13.4)

31 (21.0)

Supportive supervisiona

 Any supervisory visit in last 3 months

11 (21.6)

23 (24.7)

34 (23.6)

 Supervision on severe malaria case-management

7 (13.7)

14 (15.1)

21 (14.6)

 Supervision on artesunate use

6 (11.8)

14 (15.1)

20 (13.9)

  1. aDenominators exclude health workers without complete intervention data set, respectively 11, 5 and 10 observations for the training, guidelines and supervision intervention