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Fig. 1 | Malaria Journal

Fig. 1

From: Moringa oleifera treatment increases Tbet expression in CD4+ T cells and remediates immune defects of malnutrition in Plasmodium chabaudi-infected mice

Fig. 1

Administration of Moringa pellets after infection decrease the number of activated effector CD4+ T cells. C57BL/6 mice were fed low dose Moringa pellets (30 mg/mouse) for 7 days pre or post-infection with 1x105 dose of P. chabaudi AS and control mice were given control pellets (no Moringa) prior to infection. Graphs show a effector T cells identified using CD4+CD44hiCD62Llo, b IFNγ and c TNF producing CD4+ T cell numbers determined using intracellular cytokine stimulation assay and analysed using flow cytometry. Data represent 4 mice per group from a representative experiment of 2 independent experiments. Error bars represent SEM and significance was determined by One-Way ANOVA followed by comparisons between individual groups. *p < 0.05. Pre Moringa treatment before infection, Post Moringa treatment after infection, Control No Moringa treatment but infected, Uninf Moringa treatment but not infected control, L.O.D limit of detection

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