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Table 3 Means (± SE) of population parameters of Anopheles stephensi reared in clean, moderately and highly polluted water: r, intrinsic rate of increase; λ, finite rate of increase; R0, net reproductive rate; T, mean generation time; Nf,AL≥10, number of female adults with adult longevity ≥ 10 days; Nf,AL≥10/N, proportion of female adults in cohort with adult longevity ≥ 10 days

From: Global water quality changes posing threat of increasing infectious diseases, a case study on malaria vector Anopheles stephensi coping with the water pollutants using age-stage, two-sex life table method


Clean water

Moderately polluted

Highly polluted

r (d−1)

0.2568 ± 0.0066 a

0.2302 ± 0.0081 b

0.2282 ± 0.0079 b

λ (d−1)

1.2927 ± 0.0085 a

1.2589 ± 0.0102 b

1.2564 ± 0.0098 b

R0 (offspring/individual)

109.08 ± 14.33 a

65.35 ± 10.91 b

62.03 ± 9.47 b

T (d)

18.27 ± 0.24 a

18.16 ± 0.28 a

18.08 ± 0.23 a


45.00 ± 5.62 a

22.00 ± 4.14 b

27.00 ± 4.68 b


0.30 ± 0.0375 a

0.1467 ± 0.0288 b

0.18 ± 0.0312 b

  1. Means in the same row followed by different letters are significantly different based on the confidence intervals of the differences between treatments using the paired bootstrap test (P < 0.05)