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Table 1 Indicators for estimating the validity of SMOT tool in comparison with SP methodology in detecting healthcare providers’ failure in the correct management of suspected

From: Development and validation of an online tool for assessment of health care providers’ management of suspected malaria in an area, where transmission has been interrupted


Indicator type

Definition in the current study


Sensitivity and specificity

Sensitivity was the ability of SMOT tool to correctly identify HCPs who failed in the CMSM; and specificity was the ability of SMOT tool to correctly identify HCPs who passed the CMSM


HCPs failure proportions (p)

Overall proportion (failed)

The number of HCPs recognized failed by the tool/SP methodologies in all four criteria (a-d) were divided into all tested HCPs

By failure criteria (c, d)

The number HCPs recognized failed in sub-failures criteria (a, b, c, d) separately by the tool/SP methodologies were divided into all tested HCPs


Agreement (reliability)

Overall agreement (observed)

The proportion of True Positive (TP, real failed) plus True Negative (TN, real passed) divided by all values: (a + d)/(a + b + c + d) × 100) [14]

Kappa statistic

K was measured inter-tool reliability in non-chance agreement of HCPs failures: \(\kappa \equiv \frac{{p_{o} - p_{e} }}{{1 - p_{e} }}\) where po is the relative observed agreement between tool and SP, and pe is the chance agreement. The K ranged 0 to 1. If the tool and SP are in complete agreement then k = 1 [15]


Likelihood ratio (LR)


To measure how much the odds of the failure increase when the tool is positive (HCP failure) in comparison with SP methodology, and calculated through \(\frac{Sensitivity}{1-Specificity}\) [15]


To measure how much the odds of the pass increase when the tool is negative (HCP pass) in comparison with SP methodology, and calculated through \(\frac{1-Sesitivity}{Specificity}\)[15]