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Table 1 Key features of the full parasitaemia profile

From: Patient variability in the blood-stage dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum captured by clustering historical data


Key feature



The initial slope

The slope of a linear regression line through the log densities from the first positive slide to the first local maximum (per day)


Number of local maximums

A measurement was a maximum if its density was higher than the densities at times t: (t−6), (t−4), (t−2), (t + 6), (t + 4), (t + 2) (no units)


Density at the first maximum

Density at the first maximum (log Parasitized Red Blood Cells (PRBC) per microlitre)


The slope of local maximums

The slope of a linear regression line through the log densities of the local maxima (per day)


The geometric mean

The geometric mean of the intervals between consecutive local maximums (days)


The standard deviation

The standard deviation of the logs of the intervals between consecutive local maximums (no units)


The proportion of positive in the first interval

The proportion of measurements higher than zero in the first half of the interval between the first and last positive day (no units)


The proportion of positive in the second interval

The proportion of measurements higher than zero in the second half of the interval between the first and last positive day (no units)


The last positive day

The last days that the patient had a parasitaemia higher than 0 (days)

  1. A description of the features used by [21] to summarize patient’s parasitaemia profiles