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Table 3 Correlates of household bed net ownership ratio for purchased and free bed nets in the social network of households heads in southwestern Uganda (N of households = 716)

From: Social network correlates of free and purchased insecticide-treated bed nets in rural Uganda

Independent variables

Dependent variables

Purchased bed net ownership ratio

Free bed net ownership ratio

Bivariate analyses

Multivariable model

Bivariate analyses

Multivariable model

Household head variables


0.007 (0.006, 0.009)***

− 0.001 (− 0.002, 0.001)

0.007 (0.006, 0.009)***

− 0.001 (− 0.002, 0.001)


  Female (ref)



0.229 (0.170, 0.288)***

0.057 (0.003, 0.111)*

0.067 (0.005, 0.128)*

− 0.042 (− 0.093, 0.009)

 Educational attainment

  Less than primary school (ref)


  Completed primary school

0.289 (0.225, 0.353)***

0.062 (− 0.002, 0.125)

0.057 (− 0.008, 0.123)

− 0.021 (− 0.081, 0.038)

Household variables

 Asset index

0.127 (0.117, 0.136)***

0.071 (0.050, 0.093)***

0.086 (0.068, 0.105)***

− 0.007 (− 0.029, 0.016)

 Presence of pregnant woman

0.107 (− 0.059, 0.273)

0.049 (− 0.092, 0.190)

0.005 (− 0.158, 0.168)

− 0.132 (− 0.270, 0.007)

 Number of children under 5

0.020 (− 0.009, 0.049)

− 0.043(− 0.068, − 0.019)***

0.131 (0.102, 0.159)***

0.067 (0.042, 0.092)***

 Interview during rainy season

0.218 (0.152, 0.283)***

0.026 (− 0.033, 0.084)

0.308 (0.247, 0.369)***

0.053 (0.007, 0.100)*

Network variables

 Network centrality

0.035 (0.025, 0.045)***

0.009 (0.001, 0.017)*

0.014 (0.006, 0.022)**

0.006 (− 0.001, 0.013)

 Average asset index of peer households

0.128 (0.119, 0.138)***

0.053 (0.023, 0.083)***

0.117 (0.106, 0.129)***

0.015 (− 0.017, 0.046)

 Average purchased bed net ownership ratio of peer households

0.712 (0.508, 0.916)***

− 0.075 (− 0.253, 0.102)


 Average free bed net ownership ratio of peer households


0.897 (0.864, 0.931)***

0.712 (0.562, 0.863)***



0.015 (− 0.021, 0.051)


− 0.150 (− 0.193, − 0.107)***

  1. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001