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Table 4 Continuous variables derived from VHR imagery, with suggested open alternatives, and knowledge relating to their influence on larval habitat suitability (from literature and experts)

From: Fine-scale mapping of urban malaria exposure under data scarcity: an approach centred on vector ecology

Continuous variables from VHR imagery

Alternative existing open product(s)

Larval habitat suitability—Sub-Saharan African cities

Larval habitat suitability—Dakar

Topographic Wetness Index (TWI)

Global SRTM mTPI (Multi-Scale Topographic Position Index)

TWI is a steady-state predictor of local wetness that is positively associated with the density of breeding sites [80]

Lowlands are prone to flooding during the rainy season, due to the shallow water table. Puddles can subsist in the dry season in such areas [28]

Distance to human habitations (proxy: distance to buildings)

Calculate distance to buildings from Open Buildings

The An. gambiae complex of sub-Saharan Africa characteristically breeds in small collections of water close to human habitations [20, 64]

The probability of larvae presence increases when water bodies are located within 10 m of human habitations [28]

Distance to trees

Calculate distance to trees extracted from Esri 2020 Land Cover or WorldCover

Trees can provide refuge for digesting/resting mosquitoes [81]

Leafy vegetation is likely to provide resting sites to adults [10, 34]

Water pollution (proxy: distance to dumpsites)

Calculate distance to dumpsites extracted from OSM

An. gambiae is adapting to polluted waters in urban settings, but its preference goes to clear waters for breeding [9, 12, 82, 83]

Around the main city landfill, traditional wells ('céanes') are polluted at least up to a distance of 350 m [84]. Water pollution in drains does not affect larvae abundance [85]


iSDAsoil: Soil pH (proxy for water pH)

A high pH (e.g., due to pollution) is not favourable for breeding and survival, natural pH is preferred [12]

An increase in pH from 7.4 to 8.2 is associated with an increase in larvae abundance [85]