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Table 6 Aggregated measure of adherence* in different study arms and ethnic groups (N = 607)

From: Adherence to 14-day radical cure for Plasmodium vivax malaria in Papua, Indonesia: a mixed-methods study



N (%)


N (%)


Study intervention arm



Supervised (N = 184)

131 (71.2)

53 (28.8)


Unsupervised (N = 160)

91 (56.9)

69 (43.1)


Control (N = 263)

164 (62.4)

99 (37.6)


Malaria species at trial enrolment



P. vivax single/mix (N = 260)

179 (68.8)

81 (31.2)


P. falciparum (N = 307)

182 (59.3)

125 (40.7)


Other species (N = 2)

1 (50)

1 (50)


Species details not available (N = 38)

24 (63.2)

14 (36.8)


Group of ethnicities


< 0.001

Highland Papuans (N = 99)

47 (47.5)

52 (52.5)


Lowland Papuans (N = 147)

76 (51.7)

71 (48.3)


Non-Papuans (N = 361)

263 (72.9)

98 (27.1)


Time between trial enrolment and survey



Before/at 6-month follow-up (N = 195)

129 (66.2)

66 (33.9)


After 6-month follow-up (N = 412)

257 (62.4)

155 (37.6)

  1. *Measure of adherence was calculated from survey participants who said they finished all or some of the drugs given during trial/in the last malaria episode AND mentioned both ‘blue drugs’ PLUS any of the following: ‘brown drugs,’ ‘small drugs,’ ‘spleen drugs,’ or ‘primaquine’
  2. **p-values were calculated with Fisher’s exact test for malaria species and chi-square tests for the other variables