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Table 6 Advantages of saliva RDT codes

From: A mixed methods study assessing the adoption potential of a saliva-based malaria rapid test in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Advantages of saliva RDT codes

Representative quote

Accurate detections from non-symptomatic people/small samples/early-stage detection

The saliva-based test is better or preferable because here the detection is much more sensitive, even if the microbe is only in its early stages

Ease of use

The technique was easy, very easy, they demonstrated, they first read the instructions, we showed them the demonstration, we asked them questions, it was really very easy

Efficient/quick results

But the saliva one, he (the patient) will just give the saliva and quickly he (the patient) will gets the result

Not painful/less intimidating than needle pricks

You will see someone who was pale, but you (can) take the saliva from them. For the blood (RDT) with another child it can turn into a fight, and this can bring an incident. You can have glassware break. Whereas with saliva (RDT), you can ask to spit, put the saliva in the jar/cup, you will see that it is fine

Will become more widely available/accessible

The saliva-based RDT can be done in all circumstances and by everyone wherever they are: at home, at the hospital, at school, at church, etc., provided that the test is available. For us it is a referral test for care. This means that I perform the test wherever I am, if it is positive, I bring the results to the health professional for treatment