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Table 2 Characteristics of border malaria

From: Border malaria: defining the problem to address the challenge of malaria elimination





Receptivity in border areas (intrinsic transmission potential)

 High original endemicity

Iran border, China (Yunnan) border, Saudi Arabian border, Namibian border

 +  + 

[29, 30, 32, 33]

 More efficient vector(s)

Saudi Arabia, China (Yunnan), Iran

 +  + 

 Being forest areas

Greater Mekong Subregion countries, American countries

 +  + 

Social, economic and political environment

 Border areas being poorer areas in the eliminating country

Namibia, Saudi Arabia, China (Yunnan), Iran (Baluchistan),

 +  +  + 

[29, 33,34,35]

 Conflicts, political unrest, security issues

Saudi Arabia–Yemen border, Bhutan–India border, China–Myanmar border, Bangladesh–Myanmar border, Thailand–Myanmar border, Pakistan–Iran border

 +  + 

Malaria epidemiology

 Straddled foci across international land borders

The borders between Argentina and Bolivia, Peru-Ecuador, China-Myanmar, Bhutan-India, Tajikistan-Afghanistan

 +  + 


 Two sides of the border are within one ecological zone

Greater Mekong Subregion countries, American countries

 +  +  + 

 Existence of a transmission gradient in two neighboring countries

All above mentioned borders

 +  +  + 

Cross-border movement

 Short-term, cyclical, frequent

China–Myanmar border, Bhutan–India border, Iran–Pakistan border, Namibia–Angola; Saudi Arabia–Yemen

 +  +  + 


 Borders are not controlled

As above