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Table 4 Simulated cost per km2 covered, person protected per year by arm and cost-effectiveness of SIS versus conventional larviciding per case, death and DALY averted (US$)

From: Cost and quality of operational larviciding using drones and smartphone technology


Cost per unit

Mean cost (and 90% credible interval) US$


km2 of land covered with intervention

739.44 (721.638 to 761.823)

Person protected per year (6 rounds of larviciding)

1.82 (1.776 to 1.875)§

3.69 (0.319 to 15.116)§§


km2 of land covered with intervention

795.77 (744.39 to 859.05)

Person protected per year (6 rounds of larviciding)

2.26 (2.120 to 2.446)§

3.94 (0.342 to 16.273)§§

SIS v Conv

Incremental cost per km2 of land covered with intervention

− 56.33 (− 121.97 to -0.976)

Person protected* per year with 6 rounds of larviciding

− 0.278 (− 13.39 to 12.15)

Case averted

1430.77 (-5,869.81 to 5,839.23)

Death averted

357,438.15 (− 2,693,340.55 to 2,698,272.32)

DALY averted (SIS v conventional)

6,209,51 (− 47,814.20 to 47,634.36)

  1. §Uses a fixed estimate based on actual number of people protected
  2. §§Uses a range of people protected based on population density per km2 in rural areas from the 2021 Zanzibar census data
  3. Uses §§ as above, i.e. the cost per km2 covered with each type of SIS divided by population density per km2 from Zanzibar for rural areas only. Including more densely populated urban areas would improve this substantially but we did not test drones in this type of area