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Table 2 Proposed Target Product Profile (TPP) for an IR-ML based system for parasitological surveillance of malaria (focusing on detecting parasites in vertebrate host)

From: Key considerations, target product profiles, and research gaps in the application of infrared spectroscopy and artificial intelligence for malaria surveillance and diagnosis


Parasitological surveillance

Passive case detection in clinical settings (symptomatic cases)

Active case detection in field screening (asymptomatic cases)

Essential characteristics

Desired characteristics

Essential characteristics

Desired characteristics


Intended use settings and contexts

As point-of-care test in malaria control settings

As point of care test in elimination and control settings

Malaria screening in moderate to high transmission settings

Can be used in low, moderate and high transmission settings

Implementation level

District-level health facilities, other centralized facilities & research facilities

Can be used in peripheral health facilities, e.g., dispensaries, health posts & health centres

Used for surveys in research facilities

Routine parasitological surveys in district or regional hospitals

Types of spectrometers and durability

Bench-top units that require minimum electricity, and can operate 5 years or more with minimal maintenance

Off –the-shelf portable units with long-life battery; can be solar-powered; can operate for up to 10 years with minimal maintenance

Bench-top units that require minimum electricity, and can operate 5 years or more with minimal maintenance

Off –the-shelf portable units with long-life battery; can be solar-powered; can operate for up to 10 years with minimal maintenance

Technical performance

Sensitivity relative to conventional methods [50, 125, 132]

Can detect > 95% of positive P. falciparum cases in symptomatic individuals relative to RDT

Can detect > 99% of positive P. falciparum cases in symptomatic individuals relative to RDT or microscopy

Detects > 95% of positive P. falciparum cases in moderate to high transmission areas relative to microscopy or RDT or PCR

Detects > 95% of positive P. falciparum cases in low, moderate or high transmission areas relative to microscopy or PCR

Specificity relative to current tests [50, 125, 132]

Can identify > 95% of malaria-negative cases in febrile individuals relative to RDT

Can identify > 99% of malaria-negative cases in febrile individuals relative to RDT or microscopy

Can identify > 95% of malaria-negative cases in areas with moderate to high transmission relative to microscopy or RDT or PCR

Can identify > 99% of malaria-negative cases in low, moderate to high transmission areas relative to microscopy or PCR

Resolution and accuracy of predictions

Achieves at least 95% accuracy compared to RDT or microscopy

Performance equivalent to microscopy or RDTs) in detecting P. falciparum & other malaria parasites

Has > 95% accuracy compared to RDT or microscopy in moderate high transmission sites

Performance matches PCR in detecting malaria parasites under low—high transmission

Technical performance

Lower limit of parasite detection (LOD)

50–100 parasites/μl of blood; equivalent to microscopy & RDTs in respective settings

Less than 50 parasite/μl of blood; better than microscopy & RDTs in respective settings

50–100 parasites/μl of blood; equivalent to microscopy and RDTs in respective settings

Less than 50 parasite/μl of blood; better than microscopy & RDTs; equivalent to PCR

Temperature and humidity stability

Stable in ambient temperatures; can withstand occasional increases to 30 °C for short periods

Stable in ambient temperatures; withstands occasional increases to 35 °C for short periods

Stable in ambient temperatures and can withstand increases to 35 °C for short periods and varied humidity

Stable in ambient temperatures and can withstand increases to 45 °C for short periods and varied humidity

Operational aspects

Equipment & maintenance costs

Less than $ 30,000 per spectrometer; lasts > 5 years; costs < $100/yr to maintain

Less than $ 2000 per portable spectrometer; lasts up to 10 years; Costs < $50/Yr to maintain

Less than $ 30,000 per spectrometer; lasts > 5 years; costs < $100/yr to maintain

Less than $ 2000 per portable spectrometer; lasts up to 10 years; Costs < $50/Yr to maintain

Sample handling costs

Costs < $0.1 per test

Costs < $0.01per test

Costs < $0.1 per test

Costs < $0.01per test

Test duration

 < 5 min

 < 1 min

 < 5 min

 < 1 min

Sample preservation and storage

Requires freezing, desiccants, RNAlater

Uses must be less than 30 days old

Can use any preservation method

Samples can be older than 6 months as long as preserved fresh

Freezing, desiccants or RNAlater;

Samples must be less than 30 days old

Any preservation method;

Samples can be older than 6 months as long as preserved fresh

Operational aspects

Human resources: Skills & training

Requires minimal training on sample handling, scanning & data interpretation

No more than 30 min training needed to use, conduct the tests and read results

Requires minimal training on sample handling, scanning & data interpretation

No more than 30 min training needed to use, conduct the tests and read results

Type of sample

Wet or dry blood samples; presented as glass slides, on filter papers or as blood drops

Both blood and non-blood samples (saliva, urine, sweat or other samples collected non-invasively e.g. over the skin)

Wet or dry blood samples; presented as glass slides, on filter papers or as blood drops

Both blood and non-blood samples (saliva, urine, sweat or other samples collected non-invasively e.g. via skin)


No reagents needed except for cleaning the instruments or sample collection

No reagents needed except for cleaning the instruments or sample collection

No reagents needed except for cleaning the instruments or sample collection

No reagents needed except for cleaning the instruments or sample collection