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Fig. 4 | Malaria Journal

Fig. 4

From: In vitro delayed response to dihydroartemisinin of malaria parasites infecting sickle cell erythocytes

Fig. 4

In vitro parasites drug sensitivity results. A Distribution of Plasmodium falciparum survival rates in RSA according to the type of haemoglobin. Survival rate was calculated as previously for 700 nM DHA. Geometric means with 95% confidence intervals of the survival rates are shown. B Spearman’s correlation between RSA (%) and IC50 values for DHA for the same isolate. C Correlation of parasite survival rates (Ex-vivo RSA) and k13 polymorphisms. RSA values between parasites with mutations in the kelch propeller domain (> 440 amino acid) and parasites without kelch mutations. D Comparison of CI50 values for DHA between the group of k13 wild-type parasite and the group with mutations in the propeller domain (> 440 amino acid)

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