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Table 4 Characteristics of healthcare-seeking behavior from the time of symptoms onset to the conclusive diagnosis

From: Factors affecting delays in seeking treatment among malaria patients during the pre-certification phase in China

Characteristics of healthcare-seeking behavior (n = 494)

Number (%)

The total delays from symptoms onset to conclusive diagnosis

 Within 24 h

71 (14.4)

 From 24 to 48 h

74 (15.0)

 From 48 to 72 h

88 (17.8)

 Longer than 3 days

261 (52.8)

The patient delays from symptoms onset to initial healthcare consultation

 Within 24 h

263 (53.2)

 From 24 to 48 h

70 (14.2)

 From 48 to 72 h

72 (14.6)

 Longer than 3 days

89 (18.0)

The doctor delays from initial healthcare consultation to conclusive diagnosis

 Within 24 h

231 (46.8)

 From 24 to 48 h

59 (11.9)

 From 48 to 72 h

40 (8.1)

 Longer than 3 days

164 (33.2)

Types of delays

 None delay

91 (18.4)

 Patient delays only

140 (28.3)

 Doctor delays only

172 (34.8)

 Both patient and doctor delays

91 (18.4)