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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population

From: Frequency of RANTES gene polymorphisms and their association with incidence of malaria: a longitudinal study on children in Iganga district, Uganda

Age in years (mean, SD)

3.92 ± 2.32

Sex, n (%)


223 (52.7)


200 (47.3)

Weight in kg (mean, SD)

15.47 ± 5.21

Blood group, n (%)


166 (39.4)


96 (22.8)


128 (30.4)


27 (6.4)

 Non O (A+ B+ AB + others)

255 (60.6)

Sickle cell genotype, n (%)

 Wild type (Hb AA)

303 (73.2)

 Heterozygous (Hb AS)

110 (26.6)

 Homozygous (Hb SS)

1 (0.2)

Mean haemoglobin, SD (g/dL)

11.97 ± 1.46

Malaria history, n (%)


400 (94.6)


15 (3.5)

 Not sure

8 (1.9)

Reported ITN use, n (%)


373 (88.2)


50 (11.8)

Reported previous anti-malarial drug use, n (%)


403 (95.3)


14 (3.3)

 Not sure

6 (1.4)