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Table 1 Description of variables, codes, and reclassifications

From: Factors associated with non-use of insecticide-treated bed nets among pregnant women in Zambia

Explanatory variables

Code in the original data set

How the variable is coded/used in this study

ITN per household member


ITN per household member is a derived variable calculated by dividing the number of ITNs in households by number of de facto household members.

Continuous (0–2) and


0 = 0; No net

1– 0.49  = 1; Not sufficient

0.5 = 2; Sufficient

> 0.5 = 3; More than sufficient



Continuous (15–49) and categorical

15–24 = 1; 25–34 = 2; ≥35 = 3



Continuous (0–12) and categorical

0 = 0; 1 = 1; 2–4 = 2; ≥5 = 3

[32, 33]

Place of residence

Urban = 1; Rural = 2

Urban = 1; Rural = 2

Educational attainment

No education = 0; Primary = 1; Secondary = 2; Higher = 3

No education = 0; Primary = 1; Secondary = 2; Tertiary = 3


Catholic = 1; Muslim = 2; Protestant = 3; Other = 96

Muslim and Other = 0; Catholic and Protestant = Christians = 1

Wealth index

Lowest = 1; Second = 2; Middle = 3; Fourth = 4; Highest = 5

Poor (1 & 2) = 1; Middle (3) = 2; Rich (4 & 5) = 3

Employment status

Not working = 0; Professional/technical/managerial = 1; Clerical = 2; Sales = 3; Agricultural or self-employed = 4; Household and domestic = 5; Services = 6; Skilled manual = 7; Unskilled manual = 8

0 = 0 = Unemployed and

1–8 = 1 = Employed

Marital status

Never in union = 0; Currently in union and living with a man = 1; Formerly in union and formerly lived with a man = 2

Never in union = 0; Currently in union and living with a man = 1 = Currently in union; Formerly in union and formally lived with a man = 2 = Formerly in union

Provinces renamed to provincial malaria categories

Central = 1; Copperbelt = 2; Eastern = 3; Luapula = 4; Lusaka = 5; Muchinga = 6; Northern = 7; North-Western = 8; Southern = 9; Western = 10

Categorized accorded to malaria parasite prevalence [3, 34]

Low malaria prevalence provinces (1, 5 & 9) = 0; Moderate malaria prevalence provinces (2, 3 & 10) = 1; High malaria prevalence (4, 6, 7 & 8) = 2